Tem coisas que o Seen on Slash nunca vai arquivar e que merecem um certo estudo. Entre elas, eu acho que está todo esse diálogo esquisito.
he's right (Score:2, Insightful)
by FuckingNickName (1362625) Alter Relationship on Wednesday December 22, @05:07AM (#34639294) Journal
Mathematics is the foundation for philosophy, not technocracy. What a better world we'd be in if we were motivated by the former rather than pursuing the latter.
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Re:he's right (Score:5, Insightful)
by ultranova (717540) Alter Relationship on Wednesday December 22, @05:38AM (#34639434)
Mathematics is the foundation for philosophy, not technocracy. What a better world we'd be in if we were motivated by the former rather than pursuing the latter.
Well, we would likely all be malnourished, due to lack of fertilizers, at least those of us who hadn't died at childbirth or soon after. There wouldn't be an Internet to talk on, but that would be okay, since we wouldn't have time to use one due to the lack of engines and the resulting need to do backbreaking labour 16 hours a day. In short, our lives would be miserable, but due to lack of medicine, they would at least be short.
Missing these kinds of little details is why I have very little respect of philosophers. As far as I can tell, most of them chose their field because it doesn't punish sloppy work. And then there's idiocy like the Chinese Room, which assumes that a system cannot have properties its components don't have, yet hasn't been laughed out like it should had been.
Philosophy means you accept the human condition. Technorcacy means you try to do something about it. Hope for a better world in the future lies on the latter, not the former.
Forget magic. Any technology distinguishable from divine power is insufficiently advanced.
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Re:he's right (Score:3, Insightful)
by FuckingNickName (1362625) Alter Relationship on Wednesday December 22, @06:05AM (#34639538) Journal
So over the past two millennia we have cut the working day by 1/3rd and doubled the average lifespan at birth (if you ignore infant mortality, our lifespan hasn't increased that impressively).
Meanwhile we have turned the majority of Western humans from independent men into chair-warming consumers singing in lockstep for trinkets. We've made up for the opportunity to live a life of leisure surrounded by virtually infinite resources by blasting our population beyond 6 billion.
Technocracy is for the lazy man who wishes to be controlled and for the fascist who wishes to control others. The technocrat only has to think about one thing. But philosophy regards technology as one of many tools, not as a master. The philosopher-ruler (for philosophy is a basis for living, not an alternative) must not let prejudice cause him to dismiss the possibility that he can do better and for more.
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Re:he's right (Score:5, Insightful)
by ifiwereasculptor (1870574) on Wednesday December 22, @06:39AM (#34639672)
Why are people even debating philosophy vs technocracy? Why should someone have to choose one over the other? How do people get dragged into such nonsense? Here a new subject for you: tomatoes vs rainbows. Go.
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Re:he's right (Score:2)
by CProgrammer98 (240351) Alter Relationship on Wednesday December 22, @06:56AM (#34639774) Homepage
Is that Tom-aaaaah-toes or tom-eh?-toes...??
And the people shall be oppressed, every one by another, and every one by his neighbour Isaiah 3:5
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Re:he's right (Score:0)
by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 22, @11:21AM (#34642058)
Either way, rainbows are fucking gay.
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Re:he's right (Score:0)
by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 22, @07:25AM (#34639906)
Why are people even debating philosophy vs technocracy?
Sorry, that is anthropology or perhaps sociology.
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Re:he's right (Score:2)
by Canazza (1428553) Alter Relationship on Wednesday December 22, @07:41AM (#34639982)
If we continue the way we are, the world will heat up, we'll be seeing more Double Rainbows as it rains more.
If we change our ways and work to solve the worlds problems, we'll solve world hunger with Double Tomatoes!
Double tomatoes for a better tomorrow!
It pays to be obvious, especially if you have a reputation for being subtle.
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Re:he's right (Score:3)
by tehcyder (746570) Alter Relationship on Wednesday December 22, @07:49AM (#34640034) Journal
Why are people even debating philosophy vs technocracy? Why should someone have to choose one over the other? How do people get dragged into such nonsense? Here a new subject for you: tomatoes vs rainbows. Go.
The slashdot hivemind divides the world into a series of either/or choices, e.g. emacs/vi, or pro/anti-Windows
To have a right to do a thing is not at all the same as to be right in doing it
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Re:he's right (Score:0)
by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 22, @08:32AM (#34640320)
Choice? There is no choice. It's obvious that everyone uses vim (or wants to).
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Re:he's right (Score:5, Funny)
by Hognoxious (631665) Alter Relationship on Wednesday December 22, @08:53AM (#34640436) Homepage Journal
The slashdot hivemind divides the world into a series of either/or choices
Well, part of it does and another part doesn't.
Ancient sages said, "Do not despise the snake for having no horns; for who is to say it will not turn into a dragon?"
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Re:he's right -oblig Simpsons: (Score:2)
by hguorbray (967940) Alter Relationship on Wednesday December 22, @04:31PM (#34645748)
Women's educational expert Melanie Upfoot addresses the children at school.
Upfoot: For too long, there's been an anti-woman bias in math. Boys are aggressive, obnoxious, and never let us be heard. From now on, I'm splitting the school in two, separating the boys and the girls forever.
4. Melanie Upfoot begins teaching her first class in the all-girls classroom.
Upfoot: Now, let's buckle down and do some math.
Lisa: Yes!
[The teacher turns on an electronic device that plays soft music and projects colorful mathematical symbols all around the classroom.]
Upfoot: How do numbers make you feel? What does a plus sign smell like? Is the number 7 odd, or just different?
Lisa: Are we gonna do any actual math problems?
Upfoot: "Problems"? That's how men see math, something to be attacked - something to be "figured out."
Lisa: But ... isn't it? I mean, confidence building can't replace real learning.
Upfoot : Uh-oh, Lisa, it sounds like you're trying to derail our self-esteem engine.
5. Lisa peers through the window to the math class in the all-boys classroom.
Teacher: Now boys, who can tell me the volume of this snowman. Anyone?
Martin: Just add the volume of the spheres! We know the radii....
Lisa: He forgot the volume of the carrot nose: one-third base times height! Oh math, I have missed you!
Skinner: No girls allowed! ...
Lisa: Assistant Groundskeeper Skinner, don't you think it's wrong that I can't get the best math education because I'm a girl?
Skinner: [sighs] I don't have any opinions anymore. All I know is that no one is better than anyone else, and everyone is the best at everything.
6. Lisa: Mom, the girls' school is a joke, and I'm not allowed to take the boys' math.
Marge: When I was in school, I loved math. Until....
[flashback to Marge studying with a calculus book on the beach]
Homer: Hey, Professor Von Hubba Hubba - wanna hop in my dune bug and erode some beach?
Marge: I'd love to. But I've got my calculus final tomorrow.
Homer: C'mon, baby, the only math you need is You + Me = Forever.
Marge: Oh, Homie. [She leaves with him.]
[Present day] Marge: Since then, I haven't been able to do any of the calculus I've encountered in my daily life. But that's not going to happen to you!
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Re:he's right (Score:0)
by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 22, @08:20AM (#34640204)
tomatoes: high in LYCOPENE!
rainbows: pretty
Hope for a better world in the future lies on the tomatoes, not the rainbows.
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Re:he's right (Score:1)
by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 22, @08:32AM (#34640324)
Here a new subject for you: tomatoes vs rainbows. Go.
well, obviously tomatoes are better.
i mean yeah, rainbows are a nice sight, but tomatoes are the *real* things you can touch and even eat!!
so, obviously, tomatoes for t3h win.
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Re:he's right (Score:1)
by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 22, @09:32AM (#34640790)
Rainbows have way more colors. There is no way anyone in their right mind would prefer tomatoes over rainbows.
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Re:he's right (Score:0)
by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 22, @10:05AM (#34641144)
Why are people even debating philosophy vs technocracy? Why should someone have to choose one over the other?
It probably comes to mind because of the rise of the Chinese economy. The Chinese seem to go for technocracy, while dismissing most of post-enlightenment western thought.
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Re:he's right (Score:1)
by Zephyn (415698) Alter Relationship on Wednesday December 22, @10:20AM (#34641314)
At the end of a rainbow is a pot of gold.
At the end of a tomato is a pot of spaghetti.
That which you prefer speaks volumes about who you are.
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Re:he's right (Score:2)
by bill_mcgonigle (4333) * Alter Relationship on Wednesday December 22, @11:56AM (#34642546) Homepage Journal
The technocrats will breed you some rainbow-colored tomatoes and move on to the next problem.
My God, it's Full of Source!
Legal defense for freedom activists when you buy @Newegg: http://tinyurl.com/freenewegg
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Re:he's right (Score:0)
by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 22, @12:04PM (#34642648)
Why are people even debating philosophy vs technocracy? Why should someone have to choose one over the other? How do people get dragged into such nonsense? Here a new subject for you: tomatoes vs rainbows. Go.
Excellent point--too bad this whole discussion doesn't take this as a starting point.
I'd also add it's pretty ridiculous to be comparing "philosophy" and "computer science" as if they are (a) both homogeneous fields, and (b) have no overlap.
E.g., Russell and Quine have much more in common with Haskell and type theory in my mind than Nietzsche and Kierkegaard.
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Obligatory (Score:2)
by istartedi (132515) Alter Relationship on Wednesday December 22, @12:23PM (#34642858) Journal
Here a new subject for you: tomatoes vs rainbows. Go
Double Rainbow, what does it mean? [youtube.com]
Surprised nobody has posted this yet.
For all intensive purposes, "whom" is no longer a word. That begs the question, "who cares"?
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Re:he's right (Score:2)
by RightwingNutjob (1302813) Alter Relationship on Wednesday December 22, @02:37PM (#34644346)
Clearly tomatoes. Rainbows can't figure out what color they're supposed to be, but tomatoes are resoundingly red. Unless they're green.
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